Badger Momma Ministries

Shannon Badger – Becki Marnocha – Abri Nordine

The High Demand Wife

(Based off of the work of Kevin Samuels)

Things that are in high demand are usually in short supply. “A virtuous woman, who can find? Her worth is far above rubies.”

Men do not seek to lock down a woman who is not in high demand. A lot of women think that because a man will sleep with them they will marry you. Not true. They can always come back to a lesser woman later, if they can’t find something better. You are either in high demand, or you’re not. If you’re in high demand and you’re not married, when a man meets you, he’s going to wonder why you’re not married, and it will send red flags that will cause him to walk away.

The following qualities, consistently across the board, in any culture, any time, any socioeconomic level, any economy, are prized in a woman.

1. Mindset

  • Agreeable
  • Cooperative
  • Smart/Intelligent
    • This does NOT mean college educated. A college degree is seen as potentially negative if too highly educated or bringing debt to the table.

She also speaks in a manner palatable to a man’s ego

ALL THREE QUALITIES MUST BE PRESENT TO QUALIFY. Other qualities are bonuses, but these are the basics

2. Fit

  • Physically
  • Mentally
  • Indicates:
    • Discipline–not rigid, but has follow through
    • Dedication—in it for the long haul
    • Discernment
      • Doesn’t have to be TOLD all the right choices
      • Husband shouldn’t have to supervise her like she’s a toddler

3. Feminine

  • Not conditional–true femininity is not a condition of his financial status, affection, etc.
  • Constant—her femininity is not dependent on situation
  • Signs of femininity:
      • Affectionate publicly and privately
      • Looks at you with soft eyes and a slight smile
      • Looks at children with peace and joy – not as burdens

4. Accommodating

  • Not a yes woman–not “Whatever” but cheerful acceptance
  • Sexually
  • Your requests are not burdens to her
    • She cares about your preferences
    • She puts effort into things that matter to you

5. Subtle sophistication

  • Carries herself with class regardless of clothes or circumstances – Can be in Chanel or a sundress and still carries herself with:
    • Class
    • Dignity
    • Respect
  • Not pretentious–looks directly ahead, not with her nose in the air
  • People of a lower socioeconomic class still feel comfortable in her presence

6. Naturally nurturing

  • Carefree (not rigid) lightness
  • Pleasure and pride in being a woman
  • Abundance mindset
    • Not foolish in spending, but doesn’t have a scarcity mentality. If you spend most of your time in fear, scarcity, and lack you’re not a natural nurturer.
  • Looks at something in distress or broken (baby bird, plant, etc.) that needs repair and asks “SHOULD I?” Not “CAN I?”
  • Qualities 1-5 are not a burden
  • Does NOT mean that she’s fixing broken men.
  • Uses discernment in her relationships

7. Don’t wait too long

  • She is ready to get on with life and the things that really matter:
    • Husband
    • Family
    • Community
    • Career takes a back burner to everything else

Beauty is a bonus!

Men will give up beauty in a wife have a higher demand wife.

These women provide so much value to their man that he is HAPPY to provide what she needs.

You can’t get a man with a gun.

Why should this matter?

Right now our divorce rates are through the roof and our birth rates are in the basement. Our children are fearful, our daughters are turning to Onlyfans, and our sons can look forward to being shamed, belittled, and dragged through the mud solely on the basis of their gender, creating weak, downtrodden men. This is the breakdown of the American family before our very eyes, and the cultural shift begins with every parent who decides that “the buck stops here.”

Some people believe that men are the issue. They argue that men are the abusers and that a woman would never leave her marriage and choose to be a single mom without a good reason. Sadly, the divorce statistics don’t bear that out. They say that women leave for financial reasons and pure whim sometimes. Many of the richest women in the world gained that title from money they got from their husbands in the divorce. If you’re interested in going down the rabbit hole, Google “silver bullet divorce.” Women are routinely advised on how to arrange things to get the most financial benefit out of their marriage, and the husband and their children are the ones that suffer.

Others believe that it’s not women who are leaving, rather that men are leaving, but again, the statistics say otherwise. 80% of divorces are filed by women, and we have no data on why those 20% of men file for divorce, so statistically it’s not the men who leave.

If you were a young man and knew the following facts, would you sign up for marriage?

– Women view 80% of men as not just average but ugly.

– If a woman is a virgin on her wedding night she has a 5% chance of divorce. 1-5 body count (number of men she has slept with): 20% chance of divorce. 5+ body count: 80% chance of divorce.

– 4% of women are virgins on their wedding night, and many of the 96% have a 5+ body count by the time they hit 18.

– If a woman decides to divorce for any reason at all, she can set up a silver bullet divorce and get alimony, child support, the house, the car, and a man’s reputation, leaving him with all the responsibility but none of the actual ability to protect and raise his children, which leaves them vulnerable to anyone who comes in and out of the ex-wife’s life.

If you’re still not convinced that the issue is with the young women we’re putting into the world, here are a couple of interesting facts.

The divorce rate for “married” lesbians is 72%.

The divorce rate for “married” gay men is 28%.

Lesbians report a 44% domestic violence rate, compared to 35% for straight women and 27% of gay men.

For the sake of our communities, our sons, our grandchildren, as well as our daughters, we must raise our daughters to be wives, not career women. Interestingly, women are most marriageable from 18-24. Women also live, on average, 7 years longer than men. What if, instead of pushing our daughters to start college right away, we made every effort to find them good men, being involved to vet their future husbands, and used college as the back up plan or for a second career after raising children? Would it be possible to change the culture? I think so!


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